
Avatar of Darkness

About Samantha

Sam was 'born' on the 10th of November in the human world. Her ill father used a spell to eradicate the dark magic from his system and as a result, that dark magic created her. He called her his little 'savior' and 'miracle' from that day forward.Currently, Samantha is a royal maid in the Devildom. She is assigned to assist and serve Lucifer and his brothers (the 7 demon lords) in the House of Lamentation (HoL).

Likes and Dislikes

Its pretty easy to make Samantha smile! It's also easy to make her sad or upset her, so maybe these lists will help!Likes:
-Sour candy
-Video Games (Specifically Life Simulations)
-Strong Alcohol
-Sickly Sweet Fragrances and Perfumes
-Hot weather

Magic? Demon? What?

As said before, Samantha has demon blood in her system, so she is part demon.
Demon Form: Short dark blue hair, bright pink eyes, a soft and fuzzy tail, and black ivory horns.
She also has a darker kind of demon form, but she doesn't talk about that unless she really trusts that person.Samantha specializes in elemental magic and healing as well.

About the Admin

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 18+
A Writing Major with +5 years of rp experience
-Does not tolerate hate, rudeness, or toxic behavior.
-Severely Anxious and rp is a safe space and a coping mechanism.
-I have an AllPoetry account! Search up SamanthaMC to read my poetry!